jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

How to add a nice html signature to your IPhone 4 mails (part 1)

Hi Y'all,

Today (In the middle of February) I've ordered a Toffee nut latte, yes, I know it's not Christmas anymore, but here in Spain there're places on which this marvelous mix is still available. I was enjoying my coffee when , out of the sudden, I've received an email that required a proper response from me, and, there's a little thing that have always bothered me of my new iphone: The default type of mail signature, a simple text saying: Sent from my iphone . And, having still a holly jolly sensation , I decided to change my signature to a jolly , not so holly , one.

In this first part of the tutorial I'll show you how to do it in a very simple , quickly and functional way: Using a free web application from the guys of coolgeex.com called iPhone Signature Creator .

With this web application, you can input: A complimentary statement , your contact information
(name, phone number, email, etc...), a logo image, your twitter url, linkedin url , facebook url , and even your facetime contact.

Once you have done that, there's a field called pin number, this act as identification id , for your signature in their servers, so you better pick one suitable to your memory.

Ok, when you have finished the form, you´ll be redirected to a submit form that indicates you a url of your signature (this can be also sended to your email),open this url in your iphone's safari browser , enter the pin you have previously selected ( and just before you press ok ) on the iphone , select: Add to your home screen, this will create a shortcut to the mail application with the signature already in it. It will ask you for your pin only once.

This is a sample of my signature, pretty neat, don't you think:

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